Allen, TX Expunction & Non-Disclosure of Records Attorneys

A criminal record can follow you around for years, making it difficult to get a job or lease an apartment. Many people have a record of arrests, charges, or probations that show up on background/criminal history checks when they apply for a job or to lease a home. In some cases, it may be possible to have these records erased, or expunged. Doing so requires filing a petition asking the court to order them to be erased by the agency that has care of the records.

Unfortunately not all charges and convictions can be erased off your record.
If your records cannot be erased, it may be possible to have those records “sealed” or “non-disclosed.” If eligible for non-disclosure, the courts can issue an Order of Non-Disclosure making it impossible for anyone except law enforcement professionals to see you’re your records.

The experienced attorneys at Linder Haynes law firm have the knowledge and understanding of what can be erased from your record or what can be sealed and the process required to clear your name or protect your record from being visible to employers and other individuals.

Contact Linder Haynes Law Firm | Allen, TX Expunction and Non-Disclosure of Records Lawyers

Contact Linder Haynes Law Firm to schedule a consultation to discuss your records expunction or non-disclosure. We are available during regular business hours or by appointment at other times. You can reach us by phone at 972-649-6490 or by email at

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